Επαγγελματικά Σεμινάρια
Η MindChip στα πλαίσια του εμπλουτισμού των προσφερόμενων υπηρεσιών της με νέα επαγγελματικά σεμινάρια, έχει εισάγει στο πρόγραμμά της δεκατρία νέα σεμινάρια τα οποία απευθύνονται στα ανώτερα και ανώτατα στελέχη των επιχειρήσεων.
Περισσότερες πληροφορίες για τα σεμινάρια μπορείτε να βρείτε στον πίνακα που ακολουθεί.
Για οτιδήποτε άλλο χρειαστείτε επικοινωνήστε μαζί μας στο τηλέφωνο 210-9933280
Course objective
This course presents the recent developments in governance and how companies have incorporated these frameworks through the challenges they faced in the recent years. Also, the course presents the role of the key players of corporate governance, and mainly the Board, in connection with compliance, risk management, strategy and ethics. We will explore recent cases, practical dilemmas, and other topical issues in order to link theory to practice.
How you benefit
- Understand the basic elements of Corporate Governance
- Understand the roles and responsibilities for key players and stakeholders
- Provide your organization with a guide for sound governance regime
- Deepen your understanding of the strategic challenges brought about by today’s global environment (from both internal and external perspectives)
- Develop an understanding of how to deal with Corporate Governance dilemmas
Duration: 20 hours
Course objective
Consider risk management, its technical definition, classifications, risk limits and tolerances. The course will present how risk management is related to corporate governance of the organizations. The roles of the key players and mainly the Board’s towards a successful risk management implementation. During the course, the risk management framework, the risk appetite statement and the monitoring and reporting of enterprise risks will be analyzed.
How you benefit
- Understand the link between risk management and corporate governance
- Discuss about risk management framework, risk appetite and limits
- Highlight the best practices of corporate governance
- Understand and explore the fundamentals of Enterprise Risk Management (ERM)
- Explore ERM’s framework according to ISO 31000:2018 and COSO
Duration: 20 hours
Course objective
“Social media has grown in popularity and importance faster than most companies’ risk management capabilities can currently handle”
The course will present types of social media, everyday business exposures, direct and indirect, and the crises that occur unexpectedly in an idiosyncratic or systemic way. The organisations should have an action plan prepared in to act fast and minimize costs.
How you benefit
- A presentation of available social media and relevant media strategies
- Definition of social media crisis and possible reactions
- Social media impact on Businesses
- Social Media’s Standards of Ethical Conduct
- Managing Your Business’ Risks Related to Social Media
Duration: 20 hours
Course objective
Estimate the cost of an insurance policy against a specific risk…. And now imagine the risk occurring without any insurance policy net….. Think we got the picture.
In this seminar main insurance policies (Property & Business Interruption, Liability, D&O, PII, Cargo, Cyber, Kidnap and Ransom, Political Violence, Credit Insurance, CAR-Construction all Risk, will be analyzed and their effect as risk mitigators will be emphasized.
For the insurance and reinsurance (including broking) sector we have high expertise and we can even create tailor made training courses. Also, we can deliver the same training to different industries, as the insurance policies have significant differences from one sector to another.
Duration: 20 hours
Course objective
Risk Management has become an Internal Control point for companies and employees, a corporate concern, a top priority for the Board of Directors, Shareholders and Investors.
This course is an investment towards risk management and internal controls philosophy for the companies and their employees. It is the creation of a safety net, a proactive decision to deal effectively and efficiently with the challenges and risks of the business environment, by de-risking the employees and eventually the company itself.
This course aims to provide the knowledge and the tools to the participants to evaluate the effectiveness of the existing systems and controls, challenge the efficiency of the corporate structure to deal successfully with the international risks and wherever necessary to develop enhanced approaches in order to protect the company.
How you benefit
- Understand the definition of internal controls
- Recognize the importance and limitations of internal controls
- Determine the objectives of implementing internal controls
- Determine the design and operating effectiveness of existing internal control practices
- Determine the control objectives pertaining to the relevant sub-processes
Duration: 16 hours
Course objective
“Culture eats strategy for breakfast” Peter Drucker
This course will help the attendees to create, define and assess the risk culture of their organization. It will also provide the knowledge of implementing a successful risk culture related to the corporate governance of the company, its objectives, needs and risks.
How you benefit
- More effective management of risk
- Improved risk-based decision making throughout the organisation
- Increased confidence of external stakeholders
- Compliance with regulatory requirements
Duration: 8 hours
Course objective
During the course ISO 31000:2018 and COSO 2017 frameworks will be presented. In this seminar, an extensive introduction to Risk management approaches and frameworks takes place along with a presentation of COSO 2017 risk management framework and ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management Guidelines.
How you benefit
- Understand the definitions of key terms of Risk & Risk Management approaches, types of risk and tools for risk assessment
- Discuss about ISO & COSO principals, implementation and differences,
- Learn about Risk Appetite, Risk Tolerance and Risk Escalation
- Study the Risk Governance framework
Duration: 16 hours
Course objective
In this seminar, KRI’s will be discussed under different perspectives, as well as regarding their nature and types. Their significance will be evaluated in accordance with organization’s risk culture and strategies. Effective reporting of risk indicators leads to management action.
How you benefit
- Identify current risk exposure and emerging risk trends
- Support risk quantification and identifying opportunities to improve processes
- Facilitate the risk reporting and escalation process
- Assist with scenario analysis and stress test exercises as a means to scale and benchmark internal and external data
Duration: 8 hours
Course objective
This seminar explores the qualities of an effective risk register (matrix) and risk assessments, and relevant benefits to an organisation. Follow risk register formulation from threats identification to limits setting and mitigation applied. Adapting a risk register to your organisation's needs.
How you benefit
- Formulate your organisation risk register and manage its results
- Integrating other risk registers and information from risk tools into your central risk registers
- Maximising value from your organisation's assurance programme
- Improving the quality of risk workshops where information is gathered
Duration: 12 hours
Course objective
The reputation of a company may take years to be created and is considered to be the most important asset. At the same time, it takes seconds for companies to have their reputation damaged and that might mean the discontinuity of the business and the loss of the shareholders’ value. What are the main and emerging risks that might damage your reputation and what measures companies should take to avoid and minimize the impact in case these risks occur.
How you benefit
- Definition of reputation risk and relevant impacts
- Measurement and mitigation actions
- Governance of reputation risk, involved parties, crisis plan
Duration: 8 hours
Course objective
A sound Crisis Risk Management Plan (CRMP) plan is vital for all organisations. In this seminar we will discuss best practises for CRM formulation, BCP interconnectedness and Dry test results.
How you benefit
- Risk assessments
- Organizational policy development
- Contingency planning
- Forming and leading crisis management teams
- Using a crisis management protocol
Duration: 20 hours
Course objective
Companies often trying to understand whether they should implement COSO or ISO for their risk management frameworks. Which one is better, more suitable, more efficient?
This course will present the basic elements of COSO 2017 Risk Management Framework and ISO 31000:2018 Risk Management, highlighting the similarities and differences. Also, the course will enable the attendees to evaluate the current risk management frameworks of their companies, enhance them and create value for the companies and their shareholders.
How you benefit
- Understand the basic elements of COSO 2017 ERM and ISO 31000:2018
- Understand the purpose of risk management
- Create and access the risk management framework of the organization with COSO or ISO 31000
- Understand how and when you can use these frameworks
Duration: 28 hours
Course objective
This course presents the risk management guidelines as set by the ISO 31000:2018. We will present the Principles, the Framework and the Process as per the ISO 31000:2018 and how these can be implemented to the organizations of any size, any industry and help them to identify, evaluate and treat any risk. Risk Management is an integrated part of the organization at all levels and requires the involvement of all stakeholders. This course will analyze how this can be achieved and the benefits of risk management, which is mainly to create and protect value in organizations.
How you benefit
- Understand the vocabulary of ISO 31000
- Understand the purpose of risk management
- Be able to apply the ISO 31000 principles
- Understand the ISO 31000 risk management framework and process
- Create and access the risk management framework of the organization as per
ISO 31000
Duration: 24 hours
Υλοποίηση σεμιναρίων
- Οι εισηγητές των σεμιναρίων είναι πιστοποιημένοι, διαθέτουν πολυετή εμπειρία στην Ελλάδα και στο εξωτερικό και έχουν συνεργαστεί με πολυεθνικές και τοπικές εταιρίες από σχεδόν όλους τους κλάδους στην Ελλάδα, την Ευρώπη και τη Μέση Ανατολή.
- Τα σεμινάρια διδάσκονται με τη μορφή on line - Live με εισηγητή.
- Σε όλους τους συμμετέχοντες δίνεται εκπαιδευτικό υλικό που καλύπτει πλήρως την θεματολογία που παρουσιάζεται.
- Με την ολοκλήρωση της εκπαίδευσης δίνεται πιστοποιητικό παρακολούθησης.
Επιδότηση εκπαίδευσης
Όλες οι εκπαιδεύσεις μπορούν να επιδοτηθούν από το πρόγραμμα του ΟΑΕΔ, ΛΑΕΚ 0,06